Welcome back in Living Tomorrow Meeting Center

LT Vilvoorde 60

After three months of closure due to Covid-19, we are thrilled to announce that the Living Tomorrow Meeting Center opens its doors again!

After three months of closure due to Covid-19, we are thrilled to announce that the Living Tomorrow Meeting Center opens its doors again!

After three months of closure due to Covid-19, we are thrilled to announce that the Living Tomorrow Meeting Center opens its doors again!

During the recent lockdown, our dedicated staff has worked hard to welcome you again in comfortable and safe conditions. Determined to facilitate your unforgettable events or important meetings.

Everything for your comfort and safety

Our known assets remain the same: a personal approach, an enormous diversity of rooms, proximity to the Brussel ring road, plenty of parking space and first-class catering options. You can again enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner, prepared with passion by top chef Marc Clement. By the way, did you know that catering is 100% deductible when you book a meeting?

All in a safe environment and with attention to the social distancing rules. We have made sure that all events and meetings can take place in accordance with the latest health procedures and guidelines.

The perfect location for your small business meeting or big event

After three months of lockdown, physical distance and video meetings, everyone is craving to reconnect in person. Our Meeting Center is the perfect environment for your next meeting with customers, your board of directors or your team. We offer a wide range of different meeting rooms and event facilities, appropriate for small meetings as well as big events. The vast grounds of Living Tomorrow are surrounded by green sceneries and also offer a wealth of opportunities for outdoor events.

Is it already safe to organize an external meeting?

Yes it is. We have taken the necessary measures to guarantee your safety. Our team is specifically trained to ensure that your meeting runs smoothly and in the safest conditions.

With the appropriate social distancing and hygiene procedures, safety materials, and a heat scan at the entrance to fixed walking routes, we respect all measures and leave nothing to chance.

We hope to welcome you soon again at our meeting center! Looking for a safe, comfortable and easily accessible location for your next business meeting? Contact our event team at event@livingtomorrow.com.

Looking for a safe, comfortable and easily accessible location for your next business meeting?

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