Innovation Bootcamp


Our Innovation Bootcamp format is an intensive program, usually 3-3,5 days, designed to enhance innovation skills while simultaneously delivering valuable outcomes through newly developed ideas. It combines elements of traditional training but presented in the form of a hackathon to stimulate team collaboration and hands-on learning.

Why organise an Innovation Bootcamp?

Build new capabilities

Develop and enhance capabilities in innovation and digitalisation, empowering participants with the skills needed to thrive in today's dynamic business environment.

Create a common language

Establish a shared language for effective communication and evaluation of innovation initiatives, fostering a cohesive understanding across teams and departments.

Enhance cross-department collaboration

Facilitate better collaboration between colleagues and business units, providing opportunities for participants to get to know their peers and work seamlessly across organisational boundaries.

Outside-in trends & technology inspiration

It provides a broader context for evaluating current strategies and opportunities.

Stimulate a culture of innovation and create innovation ambassadors

Here are some key aspects of our Innovation Bootcamp:


We stimulate an ‘opportunity seeking’ mindset and create awareness by looking at outside-in trends and new technologies

Creative thinking and problem solving

The bootcamp focuses on company-specific problems or challenges faced by an organisation or industry. Participants work in teams to develop practical and innovative solutions.

Design thinking and hackathon

The challenges will be solved by learning participants the design thinking principles. It involves empathy (understanding the user), defining the problem, generating ideas, prototyping, and testing.
The Hackathon format is then used to add a game element to the learning process where teams compete for honours and make the learning experience fun and hands-on.

Mentorship and coaching

During the process experienced coaches are present to guide participants, provide advice, tips and tricks, and help refine their ideas.

Presentations and pitching

At the end of the bootcamp, teams present their ideas to a Jury, preferably a mix of internal and external judges.

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Innovation bootcamps bring together people from different departments, which can lead to diverse perspectives and innovative solutions.

Standard program

Who should participate?

  • An ideal innovation bootcamp group consists ideally of 15 participants for a creative and dynamic learning experience.
  • The participants should be from different departments and parts of the organisation, including supporting departments such as HR, legal and finance. Ideally, the people have different cultural backgrounds.
  • The high potentials and future leaders of your company who wants to become ambassadors for innovation and digitalisation within your company.

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