Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab prepare their future - Yin Oei new CEO of Living Tomorrow group

Since they were founded, Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab have been defining companies in the Belgian innovation landscape. Today Living Tomorrow is a leading innovation platform and is on the eve of opening an ambitious innovation campus in Vilvoorde. TomorrowLab is currently guiding innovation strategies and scenarios for top organisations and governments. This impressive growth path and ambitious plans have led to a few shifts in management. Yin Oei becomes CEO of Living Tomorrow and Joachim De Vos, as managing partner, becomes more than ever the driving innovation force of Living Tomorrow Group.
Since they were founded, Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab have been defining companies in the Belgian innovation landscape. Today Living Tomorrow is a leading innovation platform and is on the eve of opening an ambitious innovation campus in Vilvoorde. TomorrowLab is currently guiding innovation strategies and scenarios for top organisations and governments. This impressive growth path and ambitious plans have led to a few shifts in management. Yin Oei becomes CEO of Living Tomorrow and Joachim De Vos, as managing partner, becomes more than ever the driving innovation force of Living Tomorrow Group.
Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab prepare their future
Since they were founded, Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab have been defining companies in the Belgian innovation landscape. Today Living Tomorrow is a leading innovation platform and is on the eve of opening an ambitious innovation campus in Vilvoorde. TomorrowLab is currently guiding innovation strategies and scenarios for top organisations and governments. This impressive growth path and ambitious plans have led to a few shifts in management. Yin Oei becomes CEO of Living Tomorrow and Joachim De Vos, as managing partner, becomes more than ever the driving innovation force of Living Tomorrow Group.
Yin Oei has been the new CEO of Living Tomorrow Group since mid-August. After three years as Chief Strategy Officer, Yin is taking over the reins from Joachim De Vos. Yin will see to the day-to-day management of Living Tomorrow Group and will use her new role to help the group continue to grow both nationally and internationally. Together with managing partners Frank Beliën and Joachim De Vos, she will be setting out the vision for the future. Joachim is and will remain the driving force of innovation for the group, and is also responsible for relationships with participants and partners. He will focus even more on building strategic alliances and new partnerships around communication, research and development, and will look for synergies with companies, governments, academia and other centres of competence.
Yin joined Living Tomorrow and TomorrowLab in 2019 after a career of almost 20 years in the IT sector - including a role as country manager Belgium for Cegeka, where she was nominated for 'ICT Woman of the Year' in 2018. "I am hugely honoured to be given the trust of Frank and Joachim to help build 'their' Living Tomorrow further," said Yin. "I look forward to working with our fantastic team and our partners to further expand this company, also beyond the Belgian borders."
"An era of never-seen-before opportunities is coming and we need to seize it," Joachim adds. "Today we have a top team filled with passion for the future. But it is equally important to continue to deliver top-notch quality and innovation. That is why I will focus on content growth, so that we remain a leader in innovation, future thinking and strategic guidance for top organisations."
Frank also felt the need for this renewal. "Not only has our familiar world view changed, Living Tomorrow has also gone through a change in recent years with expansion in several areas, which has brought new dynamics and the need for a new group structure. I am delighted that, with Yin, we have the right woman on board to further strengthen us in this respect," says Frank, managing partner and founder of Living Tomorrow.
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