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The Vision on Freight Transport sets out Flanders’ ambitions for making logistics more sustainable. The overarching goal is to remain an accessible region and build a safe transport system that has the least possible impact on the environment and climate. When we do this, it is crucial that we move towards more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient modes. To do this we draw on our own knowledge and experience, but we also welcome international expertise.


The Vision on Freight Transport assesses available solutions for sustainable logistics from different angles:

Synchro- and multimodality: a multimodal integrated transport system means that shippers can choose the most suitable mode of transport or the best combination of means of transport. This reduces congestion, noise and emissions.

Urban logistics: last-mile connections and delivery is by far the most complex part of the logistic chain. Furthermore, it often causes noise and air pollution. Therefore, we want to fight fragmentation and promote the use of sustainable means of transport.

Nodes: the bundling of logistic flows saves space and has clear environmental benefits. Logistics are optimally clustered in nodes linked to the continental and maritime connections of the Trans-European Transport Network.

VIAVIA: towards zero-emission freight transport

The aim of the VIAVIA project (Dutch acronym for Intelligent Adaptation and Greening of Freight Transport through an Integrated Approach) is to manage the transition to zero-emission freight transport in Flanders over the coming years. The project covers greening aviation, inland waterway and road transport, sustainable urban logistics and multimodal corridors. A cross-cutting and coordinated approach to all modes of transport is crucial. For example, we are exploring the rollout of multimodal energy hubs to provide fuel for all modes.

Green Deals: ambitious greening

Green Deals are voluntary agreements between companies, organisations and the government to achieve sustainable actions together. The Green Deal Sustainable Urban Logistics is aimed at efficient and emission-free urban logistics, as just one example. In turn, the Green Deal Inland Navigation should ensure more greening in Flemish inland navigation.

Sustainable partnerships

These projects show that Flanders is fully committed to sustainable logistics. To achieve our goals, we would like to learn from the experiences and best practices of others. Collaboration and knowledge exchange with other countries can create the opportunity to work on sustainable logistics beyond borders.

This article was provided to us by Department of Mobility and Public Works

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